Monday 16 July 2012

Fightville HD Boxing Movie Free Download

Takes us to Southern Louisiana, where a group of young athletes, including future MMA powerhouse Dustin Poirier, strive towards personal and professional greatness.To fans of the UFC, the star of the movie is Dustin Poirier, the fast-rising featherweight who happens to be fighting in the main event of Tuesday's UFC on FUEL 3. In the film -- shot over the course of one year from mid-2009 to mid-2010 -- Poirier is depicted as a hard-working kid from a hard-scrabble background, using his talent to overcome a rough start in life and head to the bigtime. All the while, the filmmakers tell the parallel story of Albert Stainback, a 20-something with a tortured youth and a dream of a worry-free future.


Petra Epperlein, Michael Tucker
'Crazy' Tim Credeur, Gil 'The Thrill' Guillory and Dustin 'The Diamond' Poirier | See full cast and crew

Fightville does for MMA what Long Gone did for Major League Baseball (MLB). Specifically, it humanizes -- rather than glorifies -- the controlled violence that has been known to provide both meaning and purpose to the lives of oft-troubled youth. It should come as no surprise then, to learn that filmmakers Michael Tucker and Petra Epperlein have embraced the tagline, "We build better men."
The brutal truths about success or failure in the sport are immediately brought to the forefront by their trainer, UFC veteran Tim Credeur, who notes that the current MMA movement represents the natural evolution of martial arts. After years of outrageous claims from practitioners of various disciplines, MMA has managed to separate the legitimate from the pretenders.


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